Welcome to Pathankot Kidney Hospital

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 10pm Contact : 9815488999, 7837602151

Dr. Vaishali Goyal

  • Dr Vaishali Goyal
  • Consultant gynaecologist and obstetrician
  • Infertility specialist
  • Ex SMS medical College Jaipur Ex-ECHS hospital Ahmedabad

Dr Vaishali Goyal is the consultant gynaecologist and obstetrician at Pathankot kidney hospital.

She completed her MBBS from DMC Ludhiana and did her post graduation from SMS medical College Jaipur.

She also did one year of senior residency at ESI hospital Ahmedabad.

She takes keen interest in the field of infertility.

She has attended multiple national obstetric and infertility conferences all over India.

She has participated in various workshops in the field of advanced maternity care,high risk pregnancies and infertility .